The gentleman who pulled his motorcycle into the Free Bike Wash at Daytona Beach last week was a believer.
After we chatted awhile, as I dried his bike off with a clean towel, he told me he liked my spirit. He had asked a lot of questions about the "free" in Free Bike Wash, wondering how people responded to that, and I had explained that it's a little easier to explain God's FREE gift of his Son, Jesus, when we really mean free. We don't take donations.
He liked that. He slapped his thigh, threw his head back, laughed a little bit and repeated, "I like that, I do." He said that stopping in for a free bike had helped him clarify something that has been rolling around in his thoughts this whole trip.
He called it, "An illumination of a revelation." He went on to explain that sometimes we know things in our brain, head knowledge, and we have to stop into a free bike wash, have a little conversation with another believer, and suddenly the thoughts are illuminated.
Well, it's not like I set out that morning to illuminate someone else's revelation, but I had just read a teaching on this very topic: the difference between God illuminating one of His truths, after revealing scripture, or giving a revelation ... they really are two different processes, that I suppose can happen simultaneously for some.
When the light goes on in our minds, the revelation that was there is much easier to "see." He was referring to the word free. How awesome is that?
Several years ago a lady asked me if I was going to attend church on Easter. My response was that I didn't attend any other time of year, why would I attend on a special holiday. She then asked me if I was a Christian. I told her the answer was pretty obvious.
A few months later I was one, (a Christian). The series of events from Easter 1978 to July 16, 1978 included more conversations about my beliefs, revelations about my spiritual condition, major surgery and a near break up of our marriage. The revelation, God using people in my life as a mirror reflecting my shallow faith, was illuminated when I sat in a church on a July evening listening to a message that stressed a person cannot be too bad or too far away from God. His arm is not too short and he forgives anyone who asks for this grace gift.
You can read our amazing story in the
April 8, 2012 Pentecostal Evangel, www.pentecostalevangel.org